NanoStabilizer®-LSTM is a proprietary all-in-one blend of natural ingredients necessary to ultrasonically produce translucent liquid or solid (powdered) water-compatible nanoemulsions of a wide variety of mushroom extracts. The resulting nanoemulsions (both liquid and powdered) can be readily infused into water and other beverages as well as into food and other edible items. NanoStabilizer®-LSTM comprises food-grade (GRAS) emulsifiers and humectants, all tasteless and natural. Liquid nanoemulsions produced with NanoStabilizer®-LSTM can be converted into water-soluble nanoemulsion powders without requiring any additional ingredients.
Lead time to shipping: 2-10 business days.
- Commercially produce water-soluble nanoemulsions of mushroom extracts without having to develop formulations and processing procedures.
- Achieve droplet sizes of 60 - 300 nm (depending on mushroom extract type) at bioactive concentrations of up to 50 mg/ml, ensuring water-compatibility and long-term stability.
- Easily convert the liquid nanoemulsions into water-soluble powders without requiring any additional ingredients.
Stir NanoStabilizer®-LSTM into distilled water in the process vessel/beaker, add your bioactive extract and expose to high-intensity ultrasound until the desired droplet size is achieved. Detailed instructions can be found in NanoStabilizer®-LSTM User Guides available at:
Knowledge Hub
Q1. How much NanoStabilizer®-LSTM should I use with my mushroom extract? What is the recommended extract concentration in the nanoemulsion?
We recommend using 4 parts of NanoStabilizer®-LSTM to 1 part of your bioactive extract by mass. The best concentration (corresponding to the lowest droplet size) is typically 20 mg/ml, especially if your intention is to ultimately convert this nanoemulsion into a water-soluble powder.
Q2. Is NanoStabilizer®-LSTM natural? Since it's formulation is proprietary, how can I list the ingredients on my product labels?
Yes, NanoStabilizer®-LSTM is an all-in-one blend of natural and tasteless emulsifiers and humectants. A specifications sheet (with a list of ingredients) and a certificate of analysis is provided with purchase.
Q3. Can I purchase NanoStabilizer®-LSTM if I do not have an Industrial Sonomechanics ultrasonic processor?
Yes, you can. Please keep in mind, however, that NanoStabilizer®-LSTM was designed to work in conjunction with our high-amplitude Barbell Horn® Ultrasonic Technology-based processors. Since third-party technology cannot be expected to establish the combination of processing conditions required for the correct performance of this product, we would not be able to provide any SOPs or otherwise assist you with the process.
Q4. What is the shelf life of NanoStabilizer-LSTM and the resulting nanoemulsions?
NanoStabilizer®-LSTM has the shelf life of 1 year and should be stored at about 10 oC. A correctly prepared nanoemulsion will exhibit permanent kinetic stability against oil-phase separation. To maximize its shelf life, pass your nanoemulsion through a 1 micron-pore filter and store it in a dark-glass autoclaved container at 4 - 10 oC.